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Gaming & Gambling Law 

Fantasy Gaming & Gambling law is one of the fastest-growing sectors in Law. The GenZ market keeps increasing by the day due to the integration of the earning with the fun element. It has combined gaming with earnings. LedX offers an online Gaming & Gambling law certification course in such an interactive manner as like…

What is the importance of language in legal education?

Words are the fundamental tools of law. The use of language is crucial in legal studies because it affects how judges interpret cases and how effectively attorneys can communicate their clients’ demands. They say that learning the law is like learning a new language, although it’s a little more difficult. The language to be utilised…

What are the career opportunities in the Arbitration Field?

Disputes between parties are common in the business world, and in today’s fast-paced business world, time is no less valuable than money. Both parties suffer losses when the dispute becomes the victim of a long and complex legal process. The solution to this problem lies in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms, which have made it…

How to make a career in the Competition Commission of India?

Competition is beneficial for the economy, businesses, and consumers alike. The practice of competition law is different for different countries, but many countries have applied competition law in their own countries. A committee known as the Competition Commission of India was established under the Competition Act 2002. Although competition law is complex and difficult compared…


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